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3rd November 2022, Thursday

03:00 pm - 05:00 pm (ICT) 

Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand

Powered by the lure of a 630 million-strong market, ASEAN has become a major tourism hub in the past years with most unforgettable travel experiences in an attempt to promote ASEAN as a single tourism destination. As tourism is a major source of income and employment in Southeast Asia with more than 140 million travelers This figure is about 10% of global tourism statistics visiting the region in 2019 before COVID pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the hospitality and tourism industry worldwide including the ASEAN region. The industry has witnessed temporary and permanent changes brought by the disruptive power of the pandemic resulting in global megatrends and travel behaviors. Hospitality and tourism businesses and destinations have continued to be challenged with the increasing application of new technology in the business operations, greater demand for health and hygiene, more individualized travel needs, and shifts in travel markets.

Although there is now hope that the pandemic is coming to an end, transformations will continue to challenge the hospitality and tourism industry and to continuously innovate in its responses to adopt changes. ASEAN destinations are anticipated to record a gradual increase of foreign visitors, from both leisure and corporate segments, towards the end of 2022 with more flights resuming, and more large-scale events hosted (F1 in Singapore, G20 Bali Summit, etc.). An encouraging reopening at the beginning of 2022 is a good sign for the industry. Vietnam is aiming to welcome 5 million international tourists this year, Thailand is expecting 5.5 million and Indonesia, 3 million. The Philippines Department of Tourism is expecting 2 to 5 million international tourists in 2022.

This forum will provide a platform for knowledge sharing among academics, government officials, industry members and post-graduate students from the ASEAN region aiming at analyzing and foreseeing the future of hospitality and tourism industry post COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the forum seeks to provide hospitality and tourism practitioners and destination marketers with strategies and solutions to meet and identify new business opportunities post-COVID-19 pandemic.

© ASEAN Tourism Research Association
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